sábado, 12 de marzo de 2011

Proximamante en comerpicante.com...

Esta semana por fin recibí el pedido que hice a la tienda Chili Bugs Hot Sauces. Ahora ya dispongo de un buen arsenal de salsas para destrozar a cualquier invitado indeseable.

Como aperitivo os dejo el anuncio de seguridad que acompaña a una de ellas, para que veáis que es un tema serio:

Due to The Extreme Nature of These Products, Please read the following disclaimer. 

I agree, as indicated by my opening this bottle, as follows in connection with my purchase of this product: 

1. Due to the extreme hot nature of this product, this product shall be used as a food additive. This product can cause serious injury if directly consumed, ingested or applied to the body

2. Due to the extreme hot nature of this product, this product shall be used with extreme care in very small amounts only. 

3. This product is to be used at my own risk, and I am fully understand the potential danger if use or handled improperly. 

4. If I give this product as a gift, I will make the recipient fully aware of the potential danger if used or handled improperly. 

5. I hereby disclaim, release and relinquish any and all claims, actions and lawsuits that I, or any of my dependents, heirs, family members or legal representatives, may have against any party relating to any damage or injury that may Result, or is alleged to have resulted, from the use, consumption, ingestion, contact or other use of or from the product. 

6. I am not inebriated or otherwise not of a sound mind, and I fully able to make a sound decision about the purchase of this product.

Por si hay dudas, aquí se encuentra el original.

¿Alguien se anima a apuntarse a la cata? Dejad vuestros comentarios.

1 comentario:

  1. Yo me apunto, compra litros y litros de leche, ves preparando el ventilador para refrescar el ambiente y avisanos de la fecha y el menú para prepararnos psicológicamente...
